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Engineering plastics

We offer construction plastics for sale. These materials are used, among other things, as components of machines and equipment found in many branches of the economy. Engineering plastics are used to manufacture gears, rollers, plain bearings, guides, chain slides, etc.


it comes in three basic varieties: PE 300, PE 500, PE 1000. Due to its numerous advantages, polyethylene has found wide application in today's modern engineering industry. Its very good cutting properties make it used to make a wide variety of machine parts, working primarily in the bottling, food, chemical, cosmetic and automotive industries.



It is one of the most popular thermoplastics with structural applications. It owes its popularity to its special properties, such as high mechanical strength, excellent sliding properties, high impact resistance, good chemical resistance, vibration damping ability and machinability (turning, milling, cutting)


Thanks to its high surface hardness and low surface abrasiveness, it is characterized by good sliding and good friction resistance, does not dissolve or swell in all solvents used, in fuels and mineral oils. It is mostly used for the manufacture of precision machine parts, i.e. gears, gear worms, bushings, etc.

POLYcarbonate - PC

It is characterized by high flexibility, durability and UV resistance. The material is easily machined and thermoformed, is a fully transparent material, a very important feature of which is high impact resistance. Polycarbonate sheets transmit light well and are characterized by considerable rigidity combined with low weight. Due to its properties, it is often used in the engineering and construction industries.



this plastic belongs to the group of high-performance thermoplastics. It has the best heat resistance among engineering plastics. In addition, it has very high chemical resistance. It is insoluble in all known solvents and resistant to weathering. It has the lowest coefficient of friction, as well as excellent insulation and the lowest dielectric coefficient. It is used in the construction of specialized apparatus, in the construction of machinery, pumps, in water installations, chemical installations, medicine, food industry, in thermal technology.


It is characterized by high chemical resistance to some acids, oils, fats. It seals easily, but at the same time does not conduct heat, is non-toxic and harmless to humans. It is used to make yogurt containers, bottles, tourist plates, cable insulation, bumpers, gas piping. It has also found use in the manufacture of laboratory and medical equipment."


it has excellent wear resistance over a wide range under operating conditions, very good dimensional stability, high mechanical strength, stiffness and hardness. It is used in aerospace, atomic, chemical, automotive and electrical engineering industries as well as in all types of military equipment, in the manufacture of gears, valve seats or bearings.

Offered plastics come in the form of plates, shafts and tubes.